Monday, June 13, 2011

What can you do with $38 a month?

$38 a month. While this might seem like a lot, it really goes fast. Consider this:
$38 a month is: two Starbucks coffees a week, or maybe going out to lunch once a week. Or, it could be those Diet Cokes you pick up at the gas station a few times a week(those really add up fast!)
Think about it. $38 dollars a month is really not that much. It is a few dollars a week. And instead of buying a coffee at Starbucks why don't you consider rescuing a child out of poverty? $38 a month through Compassion International can save a child, feed them, provide them with medical services, and teach them about Jesus. That sounds like a better deal than a cup of coffee or a cheeseburger!
Think about it. Pray about it. Child sponsorship will open up a whole new world of communication between you and a child in need. If you decided to sponsor, check out Compassion International at And let me know of your decision, because I want to hear about your journey! Thank you for being Jesus to those precious little children.
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14

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