Friday, February 10, 2012

Christ Church Cathedral

Last night I had the wonderful opportunity of taking a group to hear the evensong service at Christ Church Cathedral. This historic cathedral is beautiful, I just wish I could take pictures inside! The service was amazing. The choir had incredible voices, and it was neat to hear the Psalms sung. Now, onto the pictures!

The service began at 6:00 pm, so it was already dark by the time we got there. The church has a eerie, but yet still beautiful, feel about it at night. I thought it was amazing!

In the Crypt below the church, there was an exhibit in honor of the 400th anniversary of the King James Bible. Several old copies of the Bible were on display. 

And of course, we had to hit Leo Burdock's for dinner! Leo's supposedly has some of the best Fish N' Chips in Ireland. It was definitely the best fish and chips I had ever had! Yum!!!! 

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